Slide to the right to see little comics about the meaning of LET IT OUT shirt.
On August 14, 2022, I went on a small expedition to the center of Portugal.
Without a plan. I just wanted to be closer to nature, spend the night in the car and create shirts in beautiful places.
The colors for the new Let it Out shirt were inspired by my daily outdoor coffee.
Let's take a piece of natural linen.
White. Free as your fantasy.
To iron the fabric without an iron, I hung it on a tree.
The wind smoothed the fabric a little.
The scent of eucalyptus, the sound of the wind, the soft sunset sun.
Beautiful and peaceful on the hill near Manique do Intendente.
At that moment, a black cloud of smoke began to cover the clear sky. Forest fire.
Soon it became dark. The red sun shone through a black cloud of smoke. Beautiful and scary at the same time.
By morning the fire was extinguished.
And I continued to create.
Draw a chaos of thoughts on a shirt with natural wool.
The final touch is a small NFC tag that is sewn inside.

Hold up the top of your phone to open the link with the unique story of the creation of your LET IT OUT shirt.
How OUT NFC works?
Each shirt has an NFC tag.
Hold up your phone to open a link with a unique history of its creation.
Madam from Canada
Let it Out from 24.08.22
The history of the shirt continues in Canada.

Let it OUT shirt met with the new owner on the Santa Clara market in Lisbon on 27.08.2022.

Have a happy life together!
Let the chaos of thoughts always find a way out.

P.S.: Madam from Canada, unfortunately, I don't have your contact. If you are reading this, please write to me. Thank you very much!
You can order shirt in any size and color. Your shirt and the history of its creation will be absolutely unique.

No one knows what this story will be, but it's definitely about you and only for you.
Order your superpower!
Fill out the form with size, color and other wishes for your own unique shirt.
Pay online. Get worldwide.
Specify the delivery address and pay online (Visa, MasterCard, PayPal).
Stay tuned.
Follow the whole process of creating your shirt. Usually it takes about 7 days.
Feel better!
In your new powerful OUT shirt, created especially for you.

Clothes for supporting your mind and freedom.
Clothes for becoming beautiful inside.